Dreamtime Entertainment Video
Miles Ranch looks to expand Wink News
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Michael Francis has on Keith Doxie from the Miles of Smiles Foundation to discusses the Equine Assisted Psychotherapy & Equine Assisted Learning programs for veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Air date/time: 06-27-2014 8:00 am
JUNE 27th is PTSD Awareness Day. A new story on the Miles of Smiles Foundation from John Davis, host of NPR’s Morning Addition: features one of our veterans sharing his experiences in Iraq with photos of Iraq.
"[My meeting with Gail] was the first time that I talked to a mental health professional without being told that our time was up. I was used to getting care at the VA where I only get to see someone once every ten weeks if I’m lucky and only for an hour. Gail showed a true interest in helping me live a better life than I was at the time. She has been committed to being available if I want to talk to her and I can honestly say that I have personally seen more improvement in the past nine months at the ranch than I have the past five years with the VA."-Robert Miniaci, Retired Purple Heart U.S. Army Staff Sergeant, Operation Iraqi Freedom

Miles Ranch: Horses help veterans deal with stresses of war: NORTH FORT MYERS, Fla.- As we honor people who fought for our country, a Southwest Florida organization hopes horses will help heal a veteran. In a story you'll see only on WINK, we show you how one animals is comforting a veteran still dealing with the stress of war.
"To be honest, I never thought I'd be shot to where I would live."
For Bobby Miniaci the images of his time serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom, still haunt him.
"Driving down the street, if I see something that reminds me of driving down the street in Iraq it's immediate, it's not something where you go 'oh no,' it physically stops me," said Miniaci.
He was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in 2007, which ultimately ended his military career.
"I went from having a great job, to kind of having a crap life."
But the Miles of Smiles Foundation, is giving Bobby, a single dad, a new chance at life, using equine therapy.
"I wasn't exactly sure what they were going to do the closer I got to them, whether he was going to run away or come to me."
He usually watches Marshall from outside the arena, but WINK was there as the former Staff Sgt. put his trust in Marshall.
"Today, I feel better than I did yesterday, and I'm a lot more optimistic than I was yesterday," Miniaci.
The Miles of Smiles ranch was started by Gail and Keith Doxie, in memory of their son, Miles. He was killed in a car accident two weeks before he was set to leave for training in the Airforce.
"Marshall is his horse, we struggled to find meaning out of his death, and we felt by putting veterans to work, we could help veterans in the future," said Owner Gail Doxie.
Horses are used because they often respond to situations similar to humans. The therapy gives veterans like Bobby, a boost of confidence and hope, in a serene environment.
"They've already helped me so much, I don't even think they know."
Bobby received a Purple Heart for being wounded while in combat.
© Copyright Miles of Smiles Foundation 2007